
Weekly broadcast programs of The Storyteller

Truman Anquoe (Kiowa) Part 2

Truman saw much death and destruction as combat a medic during the war. It was his job to treat the wounded and help them get to safety. He recalls one Christmas when a lieutenant crawled up to his foxhole and told him about special services that were being held that day. Truman went at his own risk to celebrate with other soldiers the birth of Jesus. Years later, the Christ whom he remembered that day under fire would rescue Truman.

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Truman Anquoe (Kiowa) Part 1

Truman’s story… the seasoned voice of a Kiowa elder sharing wisdom through his story – wisdom gained by a journey marked by much hardship and difficulty. From his early years at boarding school to the battlefields of World War II, his life has not been easy. Yet, he is an overcomer. Join us for part one of Truman Anquoe’s story.

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Linda Chiltoskie (Cherokee)

Linda spent the early days of her life away from her family because of a medical condition. As she grew older, she discovered another condition in her life that needed attention. Living life her way only led to fear, abuse, and pain. But when she recognized her need for the Savior, she became a new person.

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Kim Chiltoskie (Cherokee) Part 2

When his wife became ill, they called a preacher to come and pray for her healing. While he was with them, he turned to Kim and asked him to pray for Linda. It was a challenging moment for Kim. He was unable to talk with his Creator because he didn’t have the relationship that he so desperately needed.

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Kim Chiltoskie (Cherokee) Part 1

Just after a weekend of partying and I was looking to go to work, possibly on the next Monday morning, I was sitting there in the yard of my cousin’s house. I was sitting there and I thought to myself, “There’s got to be something better because I’m going to end up killing myself or something is going to happen or I’m going to lose my job or something like that.”

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Josephine Genaille (Cree) Part 2

With her kids taken away, her mom gone, and with no place to turn, Josephine found herself, lost, hopeless, and alone. She was standing at the junction looking to catch a ride but she didn’t know which way to go. It was there in that desperate moment on the side of the road that she cried out to God. She said, “take this desire away to drink… and put a new desire in my heart”… and He did.

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