Latest Storyteller Radio Episodes

Richard Paul (Maliseet) Part 1

Richard struggled with addictions early in life. Even though everything looked fine on the outside, he was being torn apart on the inside. He met a girl who came from a Christian family. He would...

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Veronica Moberly (Okanagan)

Veronica was rejected by her biological father. He lived only an hour away but had no desire to be a part of her life. Not only did she feel that rejection, Veronica also grew up...

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Jeff VanEvery (Cayuga) Part 3

“Anybody can be an alcoholic. That’s easy… all you got to do is pick up the alcohol and start drinking… and eventually you’ll become an alcoholic… because you allow that to take over and consume...

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Featured Stories

Allen was an angry and violent man. Even his own people wanted him locked up.  Chains of addiction had him bound. When all else failed him he decided to end his life.

Karen shares openly about the deep issues of life – including her struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide. This is her story: a journey From darkness to Light.

Gary had plenty of reasons to be angry with his father. But something wonderful -indescribable- happened to Gary one day that would change him and help him forgive his dad.

Anger made Thomas a fighter… first in the youth center, and then in the boxing ring. His skills brought him into the gangs, where he would have the fight of his life.

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