
Weekly broadcast programs of The Storyteller

Mary Lathlin (Cree) Part 2

Mary suffered much physical and emotional abuse in her marriage, but drew strength from God’s Word and the encouragement of others. She found Him very real even through these difficult times.

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Mary Lathlin (Cree) Part 1

Mary has good memories of her early childhood in Oxford House, but when she went away to residential school as a teenager, it was not good. After running away rather than returning to school, she soon entered adult life where new challenges awaited.

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Daniel Esplin (Navajo)

Daniel grew up on the Navajo Rez in a broken home. He used alcohol, drugs, and relationships to pursue happiness. But in the end he found that they could not satisfy. The pressures of life intensified and so he considered a final solution. Find out what happened to Daniel Esplin as he tells his story in his own words.

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Matt McIntosh (Creek)

Matt grew up as a preacher’s kid. He knew lots of things about religion, but with all he knew, he didn’t really understand the truth. And for some time, he really wasn’t interested. Listen as Matt shares how he came to understand that he was lost and without hope apart from God.

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C.R. Falls (Sac and Fox, Shawnee)

When asked the question about where he would spend eternity, CR came up short. He didn’t know. Many people are in the same place CR was – but he isn’t there anymore. Find out what changed and how he now knows the answer to the most important question in life.

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Mark Custalow (Mattaponi) Resurrection Special

Have you ever wondered about why Jesus’ death and resurrection are so such a big deal to so many different people? Mark Custalow of the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia shares this true story and then explains why it’s so important.

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