
John Bear (Muscogee) Part 1

John was close to his mom and dad growing up. John was a good athlete and played a number of sports. His dad was there for every game. His senior year he got a call from a professional baseball team. They invited him to a private tryout. That was the best and worst day of his life.

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Jimmie Fish (Creek)

“I’m ready. If I were to die today, I know that I would go to Heaven.” How can Jimmie say that? And how can she talk so confidently about death? As you listen to her story you’ll find out.

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Frank Wilson (Cree)

Frank grew up on a reserve north of Winnipeg. At a young age, his dad took ill and so Frank dropped out of school to help meet the family’s needs. Alcohol would eventually get hold of him. And it was that way until his son asked him a question.

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Larry Hawkins (Chickasaw) Part 2

When God saved Larry – he didn’t want to continue living the way that he used to. He wanted to live his life fully for One who loved Him and rescued him from sin. Considering what Jesus did for Him on the cross, it only made sense.

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Larry Hawkins (Chickasaw) Part 1

His was mother was Chickasaw. His father, who was Anglo, rejected him as his son… so Larry grew up in someone else’ home with the stigma of being a “half-breed”. He had heard that these kinds of boys were the worst, and so somehow he thought he needed to live up to that. This is a story with a sad beginning, but thankfully it doesn’t end that way.

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Julius TwoHearts (Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux) Part 3

When people can tell you they see the joy of the Lord or they can see God in you, WOW, that makes it more worthwhile. That just gives me that joy that’s inexpressible, because there’s people that walk up to me and ask me, “Why are you always smiling, why do you smile?” Well, it ain’t really me being happy sometimes; it could just be the joy of the Lord, and that gives me a chance to just tell them who I am and why. That gives me a chance to say it’s all about God.

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Julius TwoHearts (Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux) Part 2

All this time these people are witnessing to me, telling me Jesus loves me, then I start finally understanding what they meant. They told me that Jesus came here and died for sinners. He died on the cross because of the human race rebellion and sin – that we needed a Savior, we needed to be born again spiritually. That’s when the Lord opened up my eyes to what it meant that I needed to be born again, because I was lost and I needed salvation, and Jesus provided that when He came to earth and died on the cross for our sins.

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Julius TwoHearts (Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux) Part 1

I started running around as older adults do when I was a teenager, and we got caught one night, and we had an open container; I was only fourteen years old and I got judged as an adult, and I had to sit in jail. They wouldn’t let me out of jail for seven days. It hurt me, and that’s where, I believe… that was the turning point where I wanted to get even with society. I wanted to get even; I wanted to rebel against any kind of authority or law.

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James Moses (Cree)

James grew up in Moose Factory, Ontario, a Cree community on the south end of James Bay. His parents brought him up in religion, but his life was empty as a young man. There was a man though, who had come to the community who was different… and he helped James move from religion to a real relationship with his Creator.

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Carrie Herman (Cup’ik)

Carrie was born in 1929 on Nunavik island, the second largest island on the Bering Sea. There were no stores, no running water… nothing that resembles the conveniences of today. Life was challenging. Listen as Carrie recounts her experiences and the rich culture of growing up on the island. And listen as she shares her spiritual heritage… something she didn’t leave behind when she left the island.

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