
Gilbert Bekkatla (Dene) Part 1

Gilbert grew up in a dysfunctional, alcoholic home, and despite his intention not to be like his parents that way, found himself very much a drinker from his late teens until several years into his marriage. A bout of appendicitis brought him into a relationship with a family whose friendship and influence demonstrated God’s love, and a serious illness of his son further showed him, through a concerned church, a real demonstration of God’s love in action.

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Tammy Jackson (Cherokee) Part 2

Tammy prayed to receive Christ as her Savior when she was fourteen, but without spiritual guidance, she just went on living life as she had learned in her surroundings. She got into trouble and was thinking of ending her life as her father had, in suicide. Turning back to the church, and a pastor who ‘pursued her’ with the Word of God, she finally found the help she needed to live as an overcomer.

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Tammy Jackson (Cherokee) Part 1

Tammy’s childhood was shaped by growing up with an alcoholic father… whom she grew to hate. When she was 12, he committed suicide. Even then, she could not bring herself to mourn for him, but felt only relief. His death bring healing though. Listen as Tammy shares openly about her journey from hatred to forgiveness… and how that could even be possible.

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Allen Early (Apache) Part 4

Allen was bound in chains and led away by six officers. He was going to see a federal judge. The judge told him, “Allen, I have the authority to send you away forever.” And it was true. Allen had a criminal record that was extensive. But the judge did something unthinkable.

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Allen Early (Apache) Part 3

The law finally caught up with Allen and was able to keep him locked up in solitary confinement. He tried to use the powers that he had to be set free… but nothing worked. Allen decided to kill himself. Three times he tried to hang himself, but failed. He decided to go on a hunger strike. 13 days into his slow suicide, he heard something that would change his life forever.

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Allen Early (Apache) Part 2

Allen is on the run from the law. He was so violent that even his own people wanted him locked up. But it seemed that whenever the police would catch up with him, he would be able to find a way to escape. There came a day though when he couldn’t run anymore… and so decided to end his life.

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Allen Early (Apache) Part 1

Allen was born and raised on the San Carlos Apache reservation in Arizona. In this first of four parts, Allen shares some history regarding his people, how he got his last name, and how he turned to violence in his youth.

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Karen Garreau (Lakota) Part 2

While her husband was serving overseas in the military, Karen was invited to church one Sunday. She declined saying that she had her own religion. The invitations kept coming, and eventually she went. What she experienced there was not what she had expected. She found genuine faith, love and concern… and so much more.

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Karen Garreau (Lakota) Part 1

Karen shares openly about the deep issues of life including her struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide. These are issues that many can relate to. Her story offers genuine hope to anyone who is willing to hear. Listen as she shares her journey from darkness to light.

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Truman Anquoe (Kiowa) Part 3

Truman spent time in the military serving his country during WWII. Now he is serving his Creator. What happens when God gets a hold of man? Listen as Truman talks about the hope, purpose, and future that he found in Jesus Christ.

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