
Jeannie Dennis (Hopi) Part 2

Jeannie and her husband, Harlan, were being driven apart by alcohol, and she finally divorced him. When nobody else wanted him, he came back, promising to change, and he did, seriously turning to the God of the Bible. Jeannie, however, did not believe him, and did everything she could to make him fall. Finally, she succeeded in driving him from the home into the arms of another woman. But the story doesn’t end there.

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Jeannie Dennis (Hopi) Part 1

Jeannie grew up in an alcoholic home, experiencing much abuse. She had a very low opinion of herself. As a young mother of three, she found herself loosed from an abusive marriage and managed, by determination, to complete her education and support her family. She fell back on alcohol but managed to hide it. She married Harlan, and things only got worse.

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Florence Flett (Cree) Part 2

Florence’s husband said to her, “Flo, you know what happened is that I got saved, I got saved.” And you know, and of course he started preaching to me, “You know, you need the Lord too, you need to be, you need to know the Lord, you need to be forgiven.” And I’m like,Yeah right. I’m thinking, you know, “I wonder how long this is going to last,” and so I just kind of like laughed in his face.

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He was seeking revenge, but found Love. The Story of Jim Rickteroff (Athabaskan)

Jim grew up being hated, abused, and very angry… and so it wasn’t long before he was bent on getting revenge. He trained in martial arts, preparing for the day when he would meet his abusers again. He was hot on the trail of one of them in Anchorage… but when Jim would go in the front door, the man would slip out the back.  Then something incredible happened which brought him face to face with this man. If you’ve ever been abused, struggled with forgiveness, or know someone who has, this is a story you won’t want to miss.  Have a listen, and then pass along the blessing to someone who needs to hear this.

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Florence Flett (Cree) Part 1

Florence was raised up north in Manitoba in the small community of Red Sucker Lake. She bounced around between relatives until she was 17 when she met Conrad. He asked her to marry him. What happened next was very interesting.

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Gordon Thayer (Ojibwe) Part 3

Gordon’s problems with the spirits weren’t over just yet. He says, “When I went home, the stuff was still in my home; the odors, the foul voices, literally torment, and I had also a very serious problem with alcohol back in those days, from drinking constantly…”

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The Rescuer Rescued – The Story of Gordon Thayer (Ojibwe)

Gordon got into serious trouble as a young man.  He ended up standing before a judge who presented him with two choices: join the military or go to reform school.  Gordon joined the Air Force and eventually became a part of the special forces unit, Pararescue, serving two tours in Vietnam.  Pararescue’s motto is “These things we do, that others may live”.  That was his mission during the war, and he fulfilled it valiantly… receiving the US military’s third highest combat-only award, the Silver Star.  Years later, though, in a different battle, Gordon found himself as a prisoner – powerless to set himself free.

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Gordon Thayer (Ojibwe) Part 2

While in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, Gordon said, “I was laying in bed and I heard these voices call out to me, ‘Gordon, Gordon, Gordon’. I thought somebody was by the window; I got up. I had a heart monitor on – I wasn’t connected to any tubing or anything – but I went to the window. Nobody was there, and then I realized the voice was right before me.”

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Gordon Thayer (Ojibwe) Part 1

“Early on, in Milwaukee, I got into trouble as a young man with a lot of other friends. We weren’t a gang as such, but we had a lot of trouble that we got into, to the point where it took me before the judge when I was 16 years old, 17 years old. And the judge gave me an ultimatum of either joining the military (this was back in 1962) or going into the reformatory for the trouble that I got into.”

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Ernie McDougal (Cree) Part 3

When he arrived home in St Theresa, Ernie was so troubled by the thought of dying that he couldn’t rest. He decided to go to Garden Hill and talk with someone who he thought could help him with his problem. It was a man he heard talking about Jesus on the radio.

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