Is it really possible to be Native and Christian? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

Some people say that it’s not possible to be both a Christian and Native American / First Nations. Is following Jesus tied to ethnicity? Can you be an Indigenous follower of Jesus? Mark Custalow, from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, addresses the question, “Can I be a Christian and Native to?”.

There is only one Creator God and He is the Creator of culture. His intent was that people would spread throughout the earth and multiply, which would inevitably lead to a diversity of cultures. Mark shares the story of what happened when people did not do as God instructed… how He created languages which would become the foundation for the cultures of the world.

Our ethnicity is given to us by God. In the bigger way we all belong to the Human race. God made us all. He is interested in people – all people – people who are different in language, culture, color, and location. God tells us that Jesus came for people from every language, tribe, and nation. So, yes, it is possible to be Native, First Nations, Indigenous, African, Asian, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, Anglo, Hispanic, and every other background and mixture – and be a follower of Jesus.

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I hear a lot of people in our Native culture and our tribes, tribal communities saying, “Hey, can I be a follower of Jesus and a Native at the same time? Can I be a Christian and Native too?” And the answer is absolutely resoundingly, “Yes.”

And here’s why. Do you know that God is a creator of cultures? There’s a story in the Bible that talks about how God wanted humanity to express all of His diversity, and humankind rebelled against that. And they came and said, “God, we know a better way.” God came down and said, “No, I created you with a perfect plan, and My plan was there for there to be a diversity of cultures.” And so He forced that people couldn’t understand each other. They had different languages because of a miracle that God created, and they dispersed to different parts of the earth where God led them to have and develop these cultures that He intended in the first place.

The Bible says at the end of time, in the book of Revelation, it describes what Heaven’s going to be like. The Bible says, “Around the throne of God will be people from every nation, language, and tribe represented around the throne.” God doesn’t want us to lay down the cultures He created to become who He wants us to be. He wants those cultures to express part of the beauty of His creation.

Now, we’ll hasten to say this. We’ve taken what God created beautiful, and we’ve perverted it. We’ve diluted it. We’ve made it something different than what He intended. And so there are, in fact, parts of our culture that are challenged by the truth of the Gospel – sinful parts of our culture that the Gospel says, “That sin, that’s wrong, and we need to jettison those things.” But that’s not all of our culture.

There’s part of our culture that God created beautifully in His image to express all that He is. You and I are trophies of His grace. We’re reflections of His glory, and how He created us even culturally was intended by God to express that beauty. The key is you and I following God’s lead in determining what part of our culture is challenged by the gospel, what part of our culture expresses the diversity and the beauty that God intended us to have. And when we are there, we will reflect even greater the beauty of all that God is, and the watching world will look at us and marvel and say, “Man, I want to be part of that.” So let’s embrace that part of the culture that God gave us as a gift that He gave to us. Let’s jettison all that doesn’t please God, and let’s be the creation that He designed us to be.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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Following Jesus will cost me family and friends. Is it worth it? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

It’s not uncommon to face rejection from family members and friends when someone chooses to follow Jesus. Mark Custalow, from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, answers the question, “Is following Jesus worth it?” He makes a strong case that it is. Mark is a Christian Native American.

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You know, God created us to need relationship, to need love. I know that because I observed that. I’m a student of human behavior, my own heart.

We are all created to need love and to belong. God placed us in the context of families. When we were born, you were birthed into your mother’s womb. She gave birth to you and you live and you’re in the context of a family, right? We all have different family experiences, some good, some not good.

Some families, because of their deeply held traditions and belief, believe that if you leave that faith or belief that they’ve taught you, that they kind of excommunicate you. In fact, that’s exactly what they do. They kick you out of the family and they say, “You’re dead to us. We don’t want to have anything to do with you.” And if that’s your case, if you’re saying to me today, “Hey, if I believe this Jesus, then my family is going to kick me out.” That’s a brutally hard decision because there’s a part of you that wants to belong. And you belong by birth to the family that you were birthed in and raised by.

But you’ve got to know that God is your Creator and He loves you more than all of your family combined. He holds your eternal destiny in His hands and He’s offering you an eternity in Heaven if you’ll but trust Him by faith.

So yes, believing in Jesus may cost you your family. You know there are some people that believed in Jesus and He called them to be missionaries, to go places and it costs them their lives.

Christianity doesn’t solve all your problems. It doesn’t take all your problems away. It gives you a hope in the midst of all of our problems that God is greater than our problems. We can trust Him and regardless of what happens to our body, our soul is secure for all of eternity in Jesus.

So I don’t want to deceive you into thinking that if you believe in Jesus, everything’s going to be nice and rosy for the rest of your life. There’s actually a cost to following Jesus. And that road of following Jesus may come at the cost of your family saying, “Believe in Jesus and you’re dead to us.”

I would ask you what’s more important to you, this temporary earth suit and temporary relationships or the eternal destination of your soul, abiding with the Creator God who made you in His image and wants you to live with Him for all of eternity without end. Because the alternative is in eternity and hell forever without escape, without end.

Don’t reject the love of God. He’s made a way specifically for you. And any costs we have to pay pales in comparison to the price that Jesus paid to purchase your soul.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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Is Jesus is more powerful than the spirits? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

Mark Custalow, from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, answers the question “Is Jesus more powerful than the spirits?” Is Jesus greater than the spirits?. These are important questions. If Jesus isn’t, then why would anyone follow Him. But if He is, what do we have to be concerned or afraid about?

Mark is a Christian Native American.

** Listen to this true story from Navajo elder, Herman Williams, as he shares how he was cursed by a medicine man, and how the curse backfired: https://withoutreservation.com/medicine-man-navajo-power-of-god/

** Listen to this true story from two-time Tribal Chairman of the Lac Orielles band of Chippewa, Gordon Thayer, as he learned first hand that Jesus is more powerful than the spirits: https://withoutreservation.com/gordon-thayer-ojibwe/

Focus: Jesus is the Creator. He has absolute power and authority over all Creation, including every spirit. Yes, spirits have power but they submit to the One who created them. The spirits use fear, impersonation, and demonstrations of supernatural power to deceive people in order to keep them from knowing and following their Creator. Instead, people pay homage and sacrifice to the created spirits rather than worship the Creator who alone deserves their honor and affection.

** Check out more important questions and answers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcRGo7ymJ8Wwzdz6rio7nXv8

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You know, the wonderful thing about Jesus is He is God and He is all-powerful. He’s big enough and we can trust Him. He’s shown Himself to be trustworthy.

Jesus is the God-man. It’s God coming to earth and taking on human flesh. It’s God with us, God Emmanuel.

You know, in our culture, again, we have a spiritual orientation we think about. We understand spiritual realities. And you may be asking yourself, “You’re telling me much about Jesus, but is Jesus really more powerful? Is He stronger than the spirits I’ve come to understand and seen in my life? Have I got a story for you?”

The Bible says that when God came down in the form of man, Jesus, that when Jesus was beginning, immediately as He was beginning His public ministry on earth, the Bible says that Satan came and led Him into a desert. So this is a great antithesis, right? You have God in the form of His Son Jesus, and then you have Satan, the great deceiver that’s been cast out of Heaven. And so Satan is taking Jesus, the God-man, into the desert, and then he began to tempt Him. He said, “Jesus, bow and worship me, and I’ll give you everything that you see.” He began to tempt Jesus in many different ways relative to power, prestige, worship, all these things. And every time Jesus quoted back to Him the absolute truth of the Word of God, thereby defeating and putting down every attempt that Satan made to defeat Jesus the God-man.

Satan didn’t send his demons to do his bidding. He wanted to take on Jesus directly, and Jesus defeated him in the desert. But even greater than that, Jesus ultimately defeated Satan on the cross.

See Satan is responsible for our death. We belong to him because we’re sinners, and Jesus conquered Satan and death and hell in the cross. And he is a defeated enemy, and if you’re a follower of Jesus or you become a follower of Jesus, we can be set free from the clutches that Satan the deceiver has in our lives, and we can live above the fray and beyond that, all by the power of the Holy Spirit because of what Jesus made possible. I’m here to tell you today, Jesus is more powerful than all the spirits and Satan himself and all of them together, because Jesus is God. He is supreme and He is Lord.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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The spirits, voices, and dreams. How can we know what is true? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

Mark Custalow, from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, addresses the reality of spirits visiting and communicating with people. Dreams and visions – these are not uncommon. For many of us, personal experiences can determine or influence what we believe and trust. Is that safe? Can we trust them? What do we rely on to guide us? The Bible says that there are deceiving spirits… familiar spirits that are false. How do we know what is truth and what is deception?

Mark is a Christian Native American.

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I’ve had many of my native friends, I was pastoring at a particular reservation up in the northwest for a number of years. I had church members that would come to me and say, “Pastor, I had a dream last night and they would have seen or heard a loved one who has been dead for some time speaking to them.” And they would relate to me what had been spoken to them by their loved one.

I guess here’s what I would want you to know in that instance. We as native people, we certainly honor our loved ones. We honor our elders and we respect them. That’s just part of who we are. I want you to also know though that we have a sworn enemy. And the sworn enemy, his name is the devil. It’s Satan. It’s Lucifer. And Satan is sworn to yours and my destruction.

I’ve seen Satan destroy a lot of lives and he uses a lot of tools to accomplish that. One of the things that he does to defeat, destroy, discourage, dismay us is he deceives us. He uses half truths that might be partially true enough for us to believe but it’s not ultimately absolutely true.

And you may be saying, “Well, Mark, how do you know that?” Well, I know that because there is one source in this world that we’ve been given by our Creator that’s the source of absolute truth. And that’s the Bible.

Jesus said that He’s truth. The truth is actually a person. It’s not just a body of knowledge. It’s a person and it’s Jesus.

The Bible is the source of absolute truth. And here’s what I know about absolute truth. All absolute truth points to Jesus. So if you hear any spirit, anything pointing you to some means of connecting with God, your Creator, other than pointing you to Jesus, it’s deception from our sworn enemy. Because again, he wants to keep you from all of God’s love, all of God’s mercy, all of God’s grace, all of God’s blessings. And he does that by deceiving us through things that are familiar to us. And what’s more familiar to us as Native people than the elders and the loved ones that we are endeared to and love in our cultural realities?

But again, if we’re hearing voices, seeing visions, and they point to anything other than Jesus, then it’s not absolute truth. There’s only one source for absolute truth. We have to accept this by faith. And God said to us in His Word, “Jesus is truth. Jesus is the only way.” That’s ultimate spiritual truth.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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We have our own ways – so why Jesus? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

Mark Custalow, a Christian from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, addresses the question, “We have our own ways so why would we need Jesus?” There are many differences among the religions of the world but they share a common element. Mark explains.

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So you know, every culture in all of human history has attempted ways to appease the God that they understand.

God created us with a God-shaped hole and a desire and a need to appease the God that we understand exists. The tragedy is that if you study world history, civilization history, mankind has thought a lot of things about God, and then it came up with ways that we had to appease the God that we came to understand and know.

You know, the Aztecs, a tribal cousin of ours to the south in Mexico, they believed in order to appease God, they went to a great extreme and they practiced human sacrifice. I mean, it’s well-documented, some of those things. So you have anything from cannibalism to human sacrifice to cutting yourselves or things that you have to do to yourself to get God’s attention and say, “Look at me, accept me. I’m good enough. I’ve done enough. I’ve paid enough.”

Every world religion is based in that type of approach to appease the God that we believe is out there somewhere as this impersonal being deity.

The good news is that God is not impersonal. He’s a very intimate, loving God. And Christianity, unlike any other man-made religion, yea, even tribal, traditional religion, Christianity is not one where you have to earn the favor of God because we could never do that. Our God is holy. He’s righteous. He’s pure. And we are none of those things. In fact, the Bible says there is nothing we could do on our best day to impress God. But in the eyes of God, our best deeds are like filthy, dirty, rotting rags. No, in order to appease the real true God, it doesn’t depend on our works. It goes back to faith and believing. For it’s by grace that we’re saved, not by works. By believing in faith, exercising the faith that the Holy Spirit gives us to believe that Jesus is who He says He is, that He is God. He died for our sins to forgive our sins, to cleanse us, to make us acceptable to a holy righteous judge, to God Himself.

So yea, so having our ways and having that been in culture for a long time, that might be a cultural reality. But God the Creator said, “Here’s my way.” Because He’s the Creator, He gets to call the shots. And we have to approach on His terms. And those are His terms.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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What about our traditional religion and beliefs? Why Jesus? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

What are we to believe about the traditional practices? Is there an exclusive way that our Creator has made for us to approach Him. Mark Custalow, a Christian Native American from the Mattoponi Tribe in Virginia, answers this important question.

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You know, it’s a scary thing to leave and abandon what has been familiar and taught to you since you can remember anything in life.

You know, maybe that you grew up in a native community, in a native family that have practiced traditional ways all your life, and all of a sudden you’ve been confronted with a different truth than you’ve ever known. You’ve got exposure, somebody that’s talking to you, or some piece of media that’s come across your way that’s saying that the creator God that you’ve known and acknowledged has a name, and his name is Jesus.

And you’re being asked now to understand that what you’ve had is a partial truth, the fact that there’s a creator, that’s true. But He has a name. He’s also got a prescribed way that He’s shown us that He wants us to relate to Him. And that’s found in what we know as the Bible. And it takes faith at the end of the day to believe that God is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Now, I could quote that verse, and it would be easy for you to say, well, I’ve diligently sought Him. I keep all of my traditional ways. I’ve done everything I’ve been taught to do. And it all sounds great as a religious pursuit. But at the end of the day, God the Creator said, I want all men to know Me, but then He prescribed an exclusive way in which that can happen. I didn’t prescribe that. Men didn’t describe that. God the Creator prescribed that.

He gave His Son named Jesus to die for you and me. Jesus on earth said this. He said, I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. And then He said, no man comes to the Father except by Me. Those were Jesus words. Basically, he was saying the Gospel, the good news of salvation is exclusive. There are not many ways to the Creator. There is one Creator, but there’s also only one way to the Creator. And He chose the method. He chose the means. And He makes it available to all. And all we have to do is listen to the conviction of His Holy Spirit, exercise that faith He gives us to believe. And then we are truly connected with the Creator in the way that He wants us to be, that far surpasses and is a greater fulfillment of anything and everything that’s been taught to us as far as a religious pursuit.

So Jesus is the way. The way is a person. Truth is a person and it’s Jesus. And there is no other way.

If the Gospel was not true, and there were many ways to reach the one Creator, then everybody on the earth who had some type of a religious pursuit to pursue God would not end up in a real place called Hell that God created for the devil and his demons. But the Bible says that’s not true.

God, the Creator prescribed the way. Jesus is the way. And everybody has the chance to believe. And I would urge you to consider the truth of Jesus.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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Can God really forgive and love me after all I’ve done? Native American Christian Answers (Mark Custalow)

Native American Christian Answers: Mark Custalow from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia addresses the question, “After all I’ve done, can God really love and forgive me?”

Mark is a Christian Native American.

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There is not a box that we could build big enough to hold the love of God. The Bible says, “God is love, so He Himself is love, and He is limitless… beyond measure.”

Do you know that when the Roman soldiers who had taken nails and driven them in the hands, in the feet of our Savior, when they were at the foot of the cross, when He was hung there, dying for you and for me, they had before they hung Him there, they had beaten Him mercilessly. The Bible says you couldn’t even recognize that He was a human being and a man. You know what Jesus said from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”

The Bible also says in Romans chapter 5, it describes the love of God and says, “You know, it’s easy for a person to love someone who’s lovely, someone who’s lovable, someone who will love them back.” Then it goes on and again in Romans chapter 5 and it says, “But God loved you and me when we were unlovely and we had nothing to give and couldn’t give anything back. He chose to love you and me even then in that condition.”

So friend, I don’t know what you’ve done. I don’t know what you’ve experienced in life. I’m sure you’ve done a lot of bad things because you and I, we’re all sinners and we all need a Savior. And it doesn’t matter how big of a sinner you are. What matters is how big our Savior is and He is God and His forgiveness is limitless. And He’ll forgive your sins and wash them as far away as the East is from the West and He remembers them no more and He leaves you clean, pure and white as snow, redeemed, set free. I’d love to see that for you.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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What about all the injustice? Native American Christian answers (Mark Custalow)

If there is a God, Why is there so much injustice in the world? Why is there so much suffering? Why is there pain, evil, and death? Why I hear that one an awful lot from Native and non-Native people alike. If there is a God and He is good, why would He allow these things to happen?

Mark Custalow, from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia, answers the difficult question, “What about all the injustice and suffering?”

Mark is a Christian Native American.

Check out more important questions and answers from First Nations people here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcRGo7ymJ8Wwzdz6rio7nXv8

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Boy, this is a great question.

Why is there such injustice in the world? Why is there such suffering in the world? Why is there such pain and death and disease in the world? Why I hear that one an awful lot from Native and non-Native people alike.

If God is so great, why would He allow these things to happen?

Well, that’s a universal question, again, that transcends all people groups, all races, all ethnicities. It’s a question that sometimes trips us up from understanding the true nature of who God is, His righteousness, His holiness, but also His love, grace, and mercy.

The reason all those things exist is not because God wants to inflict pain on you. In fact, when God created as our Creator the Earth and Creation and all that’s in it, and you and I, the Bible said every day He created things. He said those things He created in those days were wonderful. They were good.

Do you know that when God created the first people, it was Adam and Eve, man, woman, husband, wife, when He created them, He created them perfect. And had they not transgressed against what God had commanded them, they would still be living today and perfectly healthy without ever having experienced sickness or disease or certainly death.

It was because they chose to transgress God’s commands that sin then entered the picture. And when sin entered the world, that’s really the root of all the sickness and the evil and the disease and all that we see that’s bad in the world. It all traces back to sin. And we brought that on ourselves and on creation too. Have you ever seen parts of creation that are deteriorating? What’s because of sin? Do you see sickness and disease? It’s because of sin. Do you see violence and injustice? It’s because of sin. Now what’s wonderful in all of that, and this is the good news of the gospel, God’s love, His grace and His mercy, infinitely larger than all of that.

And He loved you enough and He loved me enough that He didn’t want to leave us in all that mire of sin and all of its effects. He loved us enough to give His own Son, to take my punishment, to pay my price, that I owe God for all my sinfulness. Jesus paid that for me.

So all the injustices in the world, all the sickness, all the disease, that’s not God inflicting pain on you. That’s the result of decisions that we’ve made in humanity. And God says, “I didn’t create you for that. I created you to live forever. I created you to live with me.” And He’s seeking you out. And He wants to give you His love and grace and mercy.

Don’t let those things stand in the way of you experiencing the true love of God, your Creator.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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How can you believe in Jesus after all that Christianity has done? Native American Christian answers (Mark Custalow)

There has been much harm done in the name of God throughout the Americas by those who identify themselves as Christians. So, it’s a legitimate and important question that Mark Custalow addresses: “How can you believe in Jesus after all that’s been done by the church and Christianity?” Mark is a Christian Native American from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia. He offers a perspective that is both personal and authentic.

There is no excusing evil. Every person will have to answer to God one day. He is just and all wrong-doing will be accounted for. The question is, “How do people come to the place of wanting to follow Jesus after everything that’s been done in His name?”

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Yeah, if you look at Native history in this country, there’s been a lot that’s been perpetuated on our Native people, our ancestors and generations before by non-Native people and done in the name of Christianity, and the list of those things is long.

It’s cost many their very lives, and again, all in the name of Christianity.

That inflicts deep pain, deep grief, deep hurt, anger, angst, all kinds of emotions, and those things are perfectly logical.

It’s not an easy answer to that question, but the best way I know to answer that question is there’s the single greatest need in my life, the single greatest need in your life, is to be rightly related to the God who created us.

There have been many messengers that have come that have tried to tell others about God and they’ve come with great intentions and they use methods that just didn’t connect well. Others came really out of selfish ambition and they cloaked it in the name of Christianity, and a lot of that’s what took place.

I wouldn’t want something like that to keep me from the only source for the only answer for the real need that I have.

And for me, personally, my testimony, I’ve been able to find that. That doesn’t erase all the injustices of the past, but I know for me personally, I have a right relationship with a God who created me and He’s helped me to see all of that in a grander perspective from His eyes.

So again, that’s not an easy answer and it may not be an answer that comforts you, but I can tell you that God is greater than all of the sin of the world. His love far surpasses it all and is worthy of your contemplation and worthy of your faith and belief as well.

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Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

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Or you can visit our website: www.withoutreservation.com

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Why I am Following Jesus? Native American Christian answers (Mark Custalow)

Mark Custalow from the Mattaponi tribe in Virginia shares his own story of how he decided to believe and trust in Jesus. As a Christian Native American, he is one of many Indigenous people from different tribes and nations across North America and around the world who follow Jesus Christ.

End Transcript

Interested in true-life stories of First Nations people from across Native North America who are following Jesus Christ without reservation? Check out The Storyteller on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4Y5qad3GcSgJ3xizrCxCWaA-ZO7eUdK

You can also listen on The Storyteller radio app.
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Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-storyteller-radio-app/id1550371468
Or you can visit our website: www.withoutreservation.com

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