What about all the injustice? Native American Christian answers (Byron Sarracino)
Byron Sarracino, from the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico, answers the difficult question, "What about all the injustice and suffering?" He takes us back to where it all...
How can you believe in Jesus after all that Christianity has done? Native American Christian answers (Byron Sarracino)
Byron Sarracino - Laguna Pueblo from New Mexico - talks about historical trauma and faith... and how we have a choice regarding how we respond to the evil things...
Why I’m Following Jesus? Native American Christian answers (Byron Sarracino)
Byron Sarracino shares his own story of how he decided to believe and trust in Jesus. Byron is from the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico. As a...
Connie Hayes (Colville, Creek, Cherokee)
Though originally from Washington State, she was raised by her grandparents in rural Oklahoma. When she was three, her father was shot and killed. Thankfully, she had her grandparents...
Paul Frost (Yup’ik) Part 3
“I wanted to go do these drugs cause I hadn’t done them for quite some time and it was time for me to do them again. I used to...
Paul Frost (Yup’ik) Part 2
Working on the Alaska pipeline, Paul got into drugs and alcohol. It changed his life. His addictions had full control over him, until one night, when he had a...
Paul Frost (Yup’ik) Part 1
He was in a fist fight at least twice a week, every week for most of his schooling… because of the way he looked. He didn’t fit in with...
Adrienne Kinney (Cheyenne/Arapaho) Part 2
Where was the peace that others seemed to have? As she looked around, she couldn’t help but notice. How come she couldn’t find it? It seems she’d been fighting...
Adrienne Kinney (Cheyenne/Arapaho) Part 1
Adrienne recalls as a young girl how she was sick at school one day. As the teacher took her home, all she could think about was what they were...
Vince Garcia (Navajo)
Vince was kicked out of his home at the age of 11 because he stood in the way of his father abusing his mother. He quickly learned how to...
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