Deborah Bradley (Cherokee) Part 2
Our choices have consequences. Deborah knows that well. We can get ourselves into trouble in a hurry when we’re not careful… and the impact can last a lifetime. But...
Deborah Bradley (Cherokee) Part 1
Have you ever felt rejected because of the color of your skin? Today’s storyteller knows exactly how that feels. It’s bad enough when that happens, but when it’s your...
Tim Tsoodle (Kiowa/Taos Pueblo) Part 3
What made him decide to put the knife away? What was it that changed his mind about ending the abuse this way? In this final episode, we’ll hear the...
Tim Tsoodle (Kiowa/Taos Pueblo) Part 2
The abuse had to end. Tim went from thinking about taking his own life – suicide – to taking the life of his abuser. He prepared himself mentally and...
Tim Tsoodle (Kiowa/Taos Pueblo) Part 1
Tim grew up in a military home. It was also an abusive home. The physical and mental suffering that he with his mother and siblings endured is difficult to...
Florence Wilson (Cree) Part 2
Family was important to Florence. But when she decided to follow Jesus she found it cost her some of her most valued relationships. They walked away when she would...