Mario Swampy (Cree) Part 2
Mario thought, “What am I doing with my life? I’ve got no future. I could not see a future for myself; all I could see was darkness, and the...
Mario Swampy (Cree) Part 1
When Mario was growing up, he got into alcohol, drugs and trouble like many he knew on the reserve did. With the deaths of two of brothers, Mario began...
Chug Garreau (Lakota) Part 4
I’ve encountered other Native Americans who look at Jesus Christ as the Whiteman’s Gospel – as something that is harmful and hurtful to them. And so they try to...
Chug Garreau (Lakota) Part 3
The road to recovery can be long. Everywhere he turned there was alcohol. If you’ve ever been there, you know what Chug is talking about. So how did he...
Chug Garreau (Lakota) Part 2
After spending the night in jail for a DWI, and with his wife in the hospital after giving birth to their son, the shame and pain of life had...
Chug Garreau (Lakota) Part 1
“I remember sitting in the evening at the Silver Spur in Pierre. And I remember looking up and watching the crowd and hearing the music. I could see the...
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