Without Reservation exists to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to encourage all people to follow Jesus Christ without reservation.
If that statement describes you and your interest in the resources we produce, you may freely use content on this web site that has been produced by Without Reservation with the following conditions:
1. You do not altar the content in any way.
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4. You do not use images of real persons separate from the content in which they appeared.
5. Unless direct-linking to resources on our websites, you must provide credit in the following ways:
> For online use, you must provide a link to
> For use in video productions, the following credit must be included: “(The name of the resource) courtesy of Without Reservation –“
> For audio use, no further credit needs to be given if the audio used contains reference to If not, crediting in spoken or printed form is necessary.
> Printable content that has been produced solely by Without Reservation must include the following notice:”©Without Reservation ( Permission granted to reproduce and freely distribute this resource provided you do not alter the content in any way.“
Exceptions to the above conditions are made on a case by case basis. You may contact us if you have questions or special requests.
Please note that not all content that appears is produced by Without Reservation.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding permissions and the use of Without Reservation content, please contact us.